Calling ahead on 07527422055 before booking a hire is essential! We can not guarantee your hire booking if you haven't checked in with us beforehand.

A small Booking charge will be added when booking online
Calling ahead on 07527422055 before booking a hire is essential! We can not guarantee your hire booking if you haven't checked in with us beforehand.
Prices for Guided Trips :
Discover trips (2hrs):
Adults £25 - Under 16s £15 - Family Price (2 adults 2x u16s) £70
Half day trips (4hrs):
Adults £45 - Under 16s £35 - Family Price (2 adults 2x u16s) £150
Full day trips (6hrs):
Adults £55 - Under 16s £45 - Family price (2 adults 2x u16s) £180
Guided trips can be booked without phoning ahead but can be subject to change due to the weather conditions e.g. strong wind. We will run the trips when it is raining but you are welcome to change the date or get a refund up to 48hrs beforehand.
Our overnight trips have a 3 day cancellation period.
Please read important information below before making a booking:
All of our hires include buoyancy aids, and safety instruction before you get on the water.
Please call us on 07527 422055 before booking a hire to make sure the tides and timings are right. .
Please give us a ring for our group prices and pickup service
Terms and Conditions
All hire boat users must be able to swim 25m unaided, including children.
Advance booking is recommended, especially when the weather is good or in school holidays
Canoe and kayak hire is subject to suitable weather conditions & on occasion we may have to offer you an alternative date or time for your hire
Please arrive 15mins before your booking so we can get you signed in, give you the necessary equipment and safety instruction
Hire agreement forms must be completed by an adult over 18yrs of age.
An adult must accompany all under 18 year olds in canoes/kayaks and paddleboards and keep them under supervision at all times.
Late return of hire equipment will incur further charges
Users should use the same common sense with alcohol as if driving
You are welcome to leave bags / change of clothes with us while you’re paddling. These are left at your own risk but we will do all we can to keep them secure
We don’t have changing facilities and public toilets are in the next car park along.
Buoyancy Aids must be worn at all time while on the water
Any damages or loss to our equipment will need to be paid for in full after the hire.
Cancellation Policy
We are unable to offer refunds within 48 hours of your booking time. We will try our best to find an alternative date at our discretion.
We reserve the right to cancel your booking at short notice if we deem the weather unsafe.